Simple, transparent pricing
300 requests/day
- Age, Gender, Education & Personality Prediction
- Sentiment Analysis
- Concept Extraction, Geocoding & Translation
- Lemmatization, Tagging, Passive Voice Detection, Syllabification
- Language & Genre Identification
1,000 requests/day
- Age, Gender, Education & Personality Prediction
- Sentiment Analysis
- Concept Extraction, Geocoding & Translation
- Lemmatization, Tagging, Passive Voice Detection, Syllabification
- Language & Genre Identification
- Sentiment Tagging
- Customer Support
10,000 requests/day
- Age, Gender, Education & Personality Prediction
- Sentiment Analysis
- Concept Extraction, Geocoding & Translation
- Lemmatization, Tagging, Passive Voice Detection, Syllabification
- Language & Genre Identification
- Sentiment Tagging
- Gender Tagging
- Personality Tagging
- Customer Support
100,000 requests/day
- Age, Gender, Education & Personality Prediction
- Sentiment Analysis
- Concept Extraction, Geocoding & Translation
- Lemmatization, Tagging, Passive Voice Detection, Syllabification
- Language & Genre Identification
- Sentiment Tagging
- Gender Tagging
- Dedicated Server
- Customer Support
Textgain saved me roughly 45 hours per project doing data analysis. I needed to find somewhat complex patterns in strings of text and their system of tools almost fully automated that process. I highly recommend this tool.
Joel Thomas, Product Owner
Rubicon International
Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of answers to common questions.
We believe that NLP and big data analysis on large volumes of unstructured data should be available for everyone. We offer some of the cheapest per-request rates in the market, comparable only to the large-volume packages by big vendors.
Prices listed on this site are VAT exclusive. The appropriate rates are calculated during checkout. The following customers are exempt from paying VAT:
- All non-EU companies
- EU companies with a valid VAT-number.
Note that this excludes Belgium.
We handle all payment processing through STRIPE. We do not have access to your credit card details.
We have several standard plans, but can compile a custom package for you as well. We also offer discounts for charitable organizations and NGOs. Contact us for more information.
After you sign up, you will receive a license key. You don’t need to enter your credit card for the free tier.
If you are signing up for a paid subscription, we’ll ask you for your credit card. Your credit card will be charged each month.
A dedicated server is an entire server used by you alone. It is very fast and we can fine-tune the settings to your needs if you want.
You only need a personal key. Textgain runs securely in the cloud; check out the API. If you need to run it on a local machine, please contact us to discuss on-site deployment possibilities.